IS Strategy

Strategy for the Information System & Technology.

We have proved we can increase your employees experience while creating a more reliable, safer, cheaper, sustainable IT. An IT your clients and employees will like.

We work on the collaborators experience and on the digital transformation.

Smart - Collaborate in real-time at scale

Transform the way employees collaborate together at the scale of the enterprise to accelerate all processes, decisions, projects

Agile - From idea to go-live in weeks thanks to no-code/low-code

Answer to business needs in weeks instead of months or years to better serve the business

Lean - Reduce IT costs to invest in innovation

Redefine the IT strategy and management to save hundreds of € and reinvest them in innovation and growth

Technology is transforming the job market. While A.I. is regularly pointed out as the enabler of this disruption, this is the tree that hides the forest. Technology is already here to disrupt the job market and companies which are not taking this into account now are at risk of being challenged by the one who understand and act. Digital transformation is mandatory, whatever the industry. Regulated industries are not challenged easily, and have time to adapt their offer, but if they have less risk of being disrupted by a new entrant, they still are in competition for talents with the rest of the market.

While ERP is the backbone of formal and stable processes, agility comes with another set of tools, the one which allows to collaborate at scale, to help the businesses by implementing ideas very quickly.

Moreover, there is not toolset to manage the inevitable crisis all companies fall into at a moment or another. Expense restrictions to reach the budget, product shortages on the field, reputation attacks at the time of social networks.

"ERP" is generally useless to help during the crisis, as by nature, we did not predict them. Their are few processes which solve the crisis. To react quickly, real-time collaboration, agile solutions are required. Listening to weak signals allows to anticipate the crisis, quickly aligning employees on decision allows to limit crisis impact, implementing solutions (thanks to low-code tools) in days rather than months.

You don't need to wait for A.I. We already have the toolset to "augment" the employees in many of their tasks, to help them do their job better. We already have the technologies to empower them and to help all businesses to achieve greater results.

We can help you to define the architecture and path which will lead to these benefits, to mobilize the experts in each category, internal or external, to understand the impact on the legacy and to define its required evolution.

Finally, the money saved on all layers of the IT system, and the time freed for all IT specialist, allowing them to become business partners instead of having to focus on infrastructure, can be reinvested in innovation. Again, low-code tools and collaboration at the scale of the enterprise are key components, key tools, which will help in the digital transformation, whatever your priorities are : client / employee / operations / products / services

Digital transformation domains

Engage with customers

Empower employees

Optimize operations

Transform products and services